Oh my goodness
This is too fun to pass up. Irresistible groove.
Oh my goodness
This is too fun to pass up. Irresistible groove.
Thanks :D
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It's a great composition. The Slayer guitar synth really kills it though.
It actually isn't Slayer, surprise surprise. :P
The drums aren't 8-bit and only the lead is close to sounding like a pulse wave, so the rest isn't very 8-bit either. What's with the guitar? So really, it's just a lo-fi version of Rick Roll. =\
It's what it comes closest to for genrefication tbh.
Does it deserve a 3 based on a technicality? :P
Ah well, thanks for reviewing :)
Used a lot of MegaMan inspiration: the sliding down triangles for the kicks and the delay on the lead. Sounds like an 8bit composition though (sounds like you limited it to 4 channels most of the time), so it's accurate too. Nice work, Paragon. Nice work, you did a good job making fakebit in Reason. Sounds almost like the real thing.
I love you, FEID
But have you ever noticed that this track's title is 2 letters away from being the same title as Bit Shifter's "Particle Change"? lol
You did a great job on it, it's a fun song. I really like the main melody. A little too generic and short for a 10/10 though.
You copied the Mario overworld theme with only 3 of the 4 instruments the original had, giving it even less depth than the original from the NES. The choir, hi-hats, and lead don't sound good in the first place either. Sounds like the dreadful default set that FL comes with. And I'm only criticizing this song so honestly because that's the point of the audio portal.
It sounds really nice, but the lead is way too quiet. And eh, if you're going to make an NES remix of anything, cut back on the reverb, delay, and make it a lot more minimal. Because really, with all of that going on, it sounds nothing like an NES.
Catchy and beautiful sounding bit pop. Very original sound to it. Cheers!
oh thanks :)
Formerly known as PixlCrushr
South WI, United States
Joined on 5/3/07